honey bee relocation serviceshoney bee relocation services

Do you know that a beehive can contain 5000 bees? They are pollinators and good for the environment, but finding them in your home is uncomfortable. Fear could strike even if you don’t have apiphobia; your priority would be to protect your loved ones from a bee sting.

You may not get relief from bees using bee spray, smoke, and insecticides because all these solutions are temporary. The best solution is to hire honey bee relocation services because they can permanently remove bees from your home. But before we jump on the benefits of hiring bee removal companies, here is something you need to know.

Why should you remove an established colony from your home?

Bees often nest in the dark such as a chimney, wall cavities, water meters, utility boxes, soffits, or under the deck. Their nesting habits pose a huge problem; leaving bees on your property over the years may encourage more bee swarms at various locations in your home. As the bee swarm grows, it causes damage to drywalls and insulation and leaves honey wax stains on walls.

Trying to block bee entry and exit can increase the problem because bees may find another way to enter your home through light fixtures and any other vent. Let’s understand the bee removal process step by step.

The step-by-step Bee removal process

  • Find the source

Figure out the source of the bees; it may be located near your home. But, don’t block the entry on finding the source because bees may find another way to enter your home. If you can’t find the source, hire a honey bee swarm removal service, they can quickly identify the source and provide a perfect solution to relocate bees safely.

  • Refrain from provoking

Avoid using spray or bee repellent because this can provoke them. Bees protect their queen, thus becoming very insecure when they feel threatened. They may attack you as soon as you spray something on them. You are well aware of how painful a bee sting is. It can remain for a longer time; hence it is better to stay away from angry bees.

  • Don’t use insecticides

Killing bees is not a solution ever. Some honey bee nest removal companies use non-invasive means to remove bees without killing them. They relocate bees away from your home, so they don’t return.

  • Call professionals 

Rather than trying invasive means to get rid of honey bees, call professionals because they have the required equipment and safety gear to carry out bee removal procedures. Professionals approach the bee removal process; differently; they plan out or strategize the process and discuss it with the homeowners. The team working on your property also takes care of your family member’s safety.

  • Get rid of traces

Traces of wax can invite more bees to your property; thus, it is necessary to clean the area thoroughly. Bee removal services not only remove wax traces but also ensure that the area doesn’t have any traces of honey. Professionals are trained to perform cleaning rightly. Let’s see some more benefits of hiring bee removal services.

Benefits of hiring bee removal services

1. Right information

Bee removal services have the right information about bees. They are aware of all types of bees and their behavioral patterns. They possess information on bees’ active and dormant states, so they often take advantage of removing bees when they are in a dormant state.

2. Right procedure

Professionals are well-trained in performing the right procedures to remove honey bee hives. No matter how giant the bee swarm is, an experienced team can safely remove them. Whether bees are located in rock crevices, trees, or on drywall, their safe removal is the left-hand game for experts.

3. Safety gears and equipment

One of the obvious benefits of hiring professional services is access to protective equipment. If you plan to perform DIY bee removal, you need to buy this equipment. This can add to the cost; on the contrary, hiring professionals is a one-time investment that is beneficial in the long run. For hiring a professional, all you need to keep in mind is to find a reputed website through an online search. Remember to read reviews and ratings before reaching out to any service.

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