The impact of street food on human health

Nutrition is the main and only source of energy and nutrients for the body, which allows you to control weight, and maintain immunity and health. For good health and normal metabolism, a balanced diet is essential. However, many prefer snacks and full lunches or dinners in fast food cafes, without thinking about the impact of street food on human health. After all, it is the irrationality of meals, high-calorie content that lead to health problems and obesity.

What’s wrong with fast food?

Fast food in the form of shawarma, hamburgers, french fries, pies quickly saturates, it is quite tasty, but at the same time harmful for three reasons.


A person with normal weight with low and moderate physical activity needs about 1800-2100 kcal per day. Eating one serving of fast food and washing it down with sweet tea or soda, you get almost half the daily value. The problem is that most of the calories are “empty heures miroirs” due to the high sugar content in buns, sauces, drinks. It is they that are deposited by the body in reserve in the form of fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs, and with the regular use of such products, fat is also deposited on the internal organs.

fat content

Most of the ingredients in street food are prepared with trans fats, which provoke an increase in “bad” cholesterol. It, in turn, forms plaques on the walls of blood vessels and leads to atherosclerosis. “Bad” fats include:

  • Vegetable oil heated to high temperatures (roasting, deep-frying). The less often the oil changes, the more harmful substances accumulate in it;
  • Animal fat in the form of lard, heat-treated butter;
  • Margarine.

Please note that polyunsaturated fats (any vegetable oil that has not been roasted, seeds, fish, nuts) are part of a healthy diet and are very beneficial for the body.

Use of preservatives, spices, salt

Street foods contain preservatives that are needed for long-term storage of processed foods, such as cheese and hamburger patties or hot dog sausages. Such food is not complete without salt and flavor enhancers that make you want to eat an extra serving. The abundance of spices is also harmful, it negatively affects the health of the digestive tract, causing irritation of the stomach. These factors together adversely affect metabolism and digestion, disrupting their normal course.

It is worth remembering the negative impact of street food on human health if you regularly treat yourself to quick snacks. In addition, there is no certainty that the institution will comply with sanitary standards when preparing such food, which means that you always have a risk of getting poisoned or infected with E. coli, parasites.

What health problems does street food cause?

The main problem of an unbalanced diet is obesity, which exacerbates existing diseases and provokes the development of new ailments, primarily:

  • Violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Problems with the digestive tract.

You can avoid unpleasant consequences by switching to a balanced diet that meets your needs for calories and BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). You should also divide the menu into four or five meals in order to evenly distribute energy throughout the day and not feel hungry. The optimal break between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be no more than four hours. Prepare meals for several days at once and take a container of snacks with you to work so as not to be tempted by fast food.

Another option is to order a healthy meal for the week and not worry about cooking, counting calories and other little things. Grow Food, Starbucks Partner Hours & nutrition programs , for example, will allow you to eat regularly, varied, tasty and at the same time remain slim and healthy for many years!

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