How AR Headsets Can Help Grow Your Home Contractor Business
Home contractors can use the Realwear HMT-1 or HMT-1Z1 AR headsets to increase their productivity, enhance their safety and improve client satisfaction. Wearables are work-efficient and safer than using hand-held tablets, phones or clipboards, allowing contractors access to job information or expert support in the field when they need it most.
Home contractors can use the device with their hats, hard hats or bump caps and get their work done efficiently and safely, even in a hazardous environment such as on roofs or scaffolding.
Workers can share what they see via a built-in front-facing camera with remote experts, and access information on the device microdisplay that looks like a 7″ tablet computer right in front of the line of sight. The microdisplay can be moved to the side or underneath the headset, to allow workers to complete tasks without any distractions and be hands-free while using voice commands.
Benefits of HMT-1 Assisted Reality
- Work faster, more accurately and more profitably than ever before.
- 100% hands-free and adjustable AR Headset providing both powerful audio and noise cancellation.
- Remote communication with your workers.
- Protect your workers in hazardous environments.
- Reduce travel time and expenses by providing remote assistance and visual direction at multiple locations without having to visit the site in person.
- Achieve a significant technological advantage over your competition and help grow your business and profits.
- Extremely rugged, water-resistant and durable.