Fundraising for New Year

December is often considered the “month of celebrations”. As soon as the month starts,  we begin planning and replanning our festive shopping lists. But this should also be a time when we make it crucial to consider giving or donating to those who are less fortunate or in need. This time of the year is all about giving and celebrating with others. 

Donating in the form of time or money feels immensely rewarding, especially at this time of year. It inspires gratitude in people around. 

Reason to Support New Year Fundraising

Many people in our community have a difficult time over the holidays. So now is a fantastic moment to donate to a charity and help in New Year fundraising. It is greatly appreciated when people donate money and provide their time during the holiday season since it assists those in need.

For organisations to continue offering their services after the holiday giving season has ended, it is also crucial to continue your philanthropic donations. Make a commitment to a cause you are passionate about and schedule regular volunteering or monetary contributions, such asa monthly contributions to a charity like Save the Children.

Non-Profit Fundraising Ideas for New Year

Here are some suggestions for New Year fundraising.


Putting together an event is a great way of raising funds and support for a cause. Many organisations choose to host an event when they raise money for the first time. A well-planned event can raise a lot of money, but one should weigh the resources used against the anticipated benefits. It is advisable to select or create an activity that can be repeated (e.g. annually) rather than picking a one-time event. Fundraising for New Year can be easily done while organising an event.


A crowdfunding campaign is when several people, most frequently online, donate money to a programme or initiative. Each person makes a contribution to the underlying aim of their choosing. They encourage individuals in their network to also donate by sharing the campaign on their social media networks after they decide to support it. To keep interest high among your supporters, consider offering updates on your project. You can automatically email supporters about your fundraising efforts owing to many platforms. You can support fundraising for New Year in this way.

Community Fundraising

By using your own networks and contacts, you can find new donors through network fundraising. A “friend-to-friend” strategy is effective anywhere and can be applied. This approach is particularly successful if you engage with so-called “connectors,” or people who have a large network, are well-known and respected in their community, and are willing to spread the word within their network. For instance, fundraising for New Year can be a great success if community leaders or influencers are able to convey the message about the cause of fundraising.

Web-based Fundraising

Online fundraising has surged in popularity during the past ten years. Online donation platforms like mobile phones using Instant Messaging (I), and social networks, open up a huge possibility for New Year fundraising. The clear benefits of online donation are quickness, adaptability, affordability, vast reach, and online support. 

Save the Children firmly believes that this is a time of joy when we can all rejoice, celebrate, and resolve to take on new responsibilities. So let’s pause a moment to think about the children who don’t have the same opportunities. Come, make an effort to help these children exercise their rights to protection, good health, and a happy upbringing. This New Year, Save the Children encourages you to extend your good wishes to those who are less fortunate rather than just your loved ones. Let’s welcome 2023 by giving to a cause that can support a child in genuine need and help them achieve their goals.

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